5 signs that women receive "some" happy

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Double chin is a symbol of women's wealth. Chin like a bounty of women, the thicker, the more money ..

1 The chin


Many girls have a double chin, but was losing weight because I want more beautiful, even cosmetic surgery to remove a double chin. But they do not know that double chin is the symbol of women's wealth. Chin like a bounty of women, the thicker, the more money. These girls have a double chin is also known as the general who had helped him. It not only brings good luck for themselves, but also help her husband's career. These girls have physiognomy so it will always have a good financial operation.

2 high forehead, wide and fullhai-cam-dau-hieu-cua-co-nang-so-suong-2

If women have a high forehead, smooth and wide, it will probably be married to the wealthy. The very talented with a high forehead and relatively intelligent. Smooth broad forehead and showing generosity, nobility. People who have this very physiognomy of the life of noble families. They have difficulty with the ability to rule without disrespectful to the family. These girls have this physiognomy is also very favorite men list. We can say they are the beauties of nature gas, and so has an advantage in the communication relationship.

3 big eyes, long eyebrows, eyelashes curved

A lot of people said, eyebrows are places to exchange friendship. If the girl has long eyebrows, thin and curved eyelashes are extremely temperament. Whether doing anything, they will not easily back down or give up. If there are more eyes to it become more and more vital. Many men fall for him because of the woman as appealing as it is full of life. It will feel very comfortable with them. So, what this girl is very convenient in terms of affection.

4 Cheeks moderately high

If forehead and chin were relatively good, the need to coordinate with the cheekbones. Every man needs a wife who is always sure, and the two cheeks of the woman's husband's encouragement. So the woman's cheeks are not allowed too high. Women who have moderately high cheeks will be resourceful homemaker, was a solid rear husband after the working hours of stress, fatigue moi.3. Moderately high cheekbones

5 finger length


A lot of people say I have long fingers, the girl struggled, with no better fate. Actually, not so. The girl with long fingers, are slim majority can only rely on myself. Long finger that is holding the money, with good earning potential. The first impression of the people against this girl is a mature female. During his career, they will definitely smooth sailing.

Source: phunutoday



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