6 facts about ice cream that you didn't know

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Ever daydream about ice cream? I sure have the cold creamy goodness on a hot summer day. Ice cream has always been one of my favorite snacks. But there's a whole nother world when it comes to ice cream facts. Some are delicious and other's are just plain interesting. So while you're here reading this, pull up a chair and have yourself a bowl.

1. Nobody really knows where ice cream originated
You would think the invention of ice cream would have a clear history it doesn't. One of the possible guesses is that Emperor Nero used to enjoy snow with fruit and honey. But there's also history stating that Marco Polo brought the recipe back from China; they liked flavoring their snow with rice and milk to make a desert.

2. The World's Tallest Ice Cream Cone was 10 feet 1 inch  (3.06m) tall!
Imagine the brain freeze after eating all of that ice cream! A Norwegian company called Hening-Olsen created the world's largest ice cream cone on July 26, 2015. The ice cream cone was made out of a waffle cone, milk chocolate, and ice cream. In the end, the ice cream cone fed 10,000 people! 

3.  The country that consumes the most ice cream in a year is China! 
In 2016 China consumed 4.3 billion gallons of ice cream! Considering the theory that China was the place that ice cream originated China has shown it's love for ice cream.

4. Arizona created hotdog flavored ice cream!
Maybe you're a carnival buff, and you don't want to buy both ice cream and a hot dog. How about a compromise and buy hotdog flavored ice cream! It's a beef-infused ice cream, on a bun, topped with candied green cabbage, spicy honey mustard, and blackberry raspberry ketchup.   

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5.  It takes about 50 licks to eat an average single scoop of ice cream?
We'll probably never know how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop. But we do know how many licks it takes to get to eat one scoop of ice cream! The answer is 50. Have you ever counted how many licks it takes to finish any of your food before?

6.  In the 1700s ice cream was known as a delicacy in America
The only people that could afford ice cream were the rich because the ingredients weren't as easily accessible.  It wasn't until 1851 when the first actual ice cream plant was built. 

Question: What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?

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