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Acne is a condition of the skin that appears as different types of bumps. These bumps can be blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, or cysts. It usually crops up on the face, neck, shoulders, upper back and chest. Acne is considered a normal part of puberty, but that still does not make it easy to look at. So here are some things that you can share with your kids so they can deal with acne better.

1. Never touch a pimple, squeeze it, or pick at it, no matter how tempting! Touching it may cause even more inflammation. Also, picking at pimples can leave tiny, permanent scars on their faces.

2. To help prevent the oil buildup that can contribute to acne, advise your kids to wash their faces gently twice a day with mild soap and warm water.

3. Although acne is not directly caused by eating greasy foods like French fries or pizza, eating chocolate, or drinking soft drinks, these foods may aggravate the condition of existing acne. Control your kids’ intake of these types of food.

4. Make sure your kids’ hair is kept away from their faces. Boys should keep their hair short, while girls should tie their hair neatly in a ponytail, or keep it in place with a barrette or a headband.

5. Some girls may find that their acne breaks out a few days before they get their period. This is called premenstrual acne, and about seven out of ten women get it because of hormonal changes in the body.

6. Some teenagers who have severe cases of acne can get help from a dermatologist, who may recommend treating the acne with prescription medicines such as creams and antibiotics (depending on the type of acne).

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