7 quick tips for your daily life

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1.Blacky Blackheads

To remove blackheads apply a small amount of toothpaste on the affected areas and keep it on for around 25 minutes the burning sensation will go away in a few seconds. When you remove the toothpaste the blackheads will come off with it wash your face properly after that. Apply this every alternate day to get effective results. 

2.Strained eyes
Blink, blink, blink. Computer or laptop users sometimes does not link while looking at their screens but it is very necessary to blink at least once in a while to avoid straining.

3.Mosquito bite
squitoes are here again to piss you of f . To relive yourself from a mosquito bite rub the inside of banana peel or apply lemon juice on the affected skin.

4.For weight gain 
If you eat wrong food to gain weight you will just add bulkcholesterol and couple of problems to your health and neither would overeating be of help eat fruits like bananas and healthy fat foods every four hours throughout theday and do not skip meals.

Arthritis patients can benefit by taking one cup of hot water with two tablespoons of honey and one small teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Take this mixture daily to get relief.

6.Mouth ulcer 
Gargle alternately with hot and cold water to treat mouth ulcer.

7.Fight migraine 
To fight a migraine headache eat 10-12 almonds equivalent of two aspirins and get relieved.

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