A blog about LOVE

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Because love and happiness are truly yours for the choosing. And good things happen in person.

Here’s the deal:
We believe in love! And not just the lovey-dovey, ooey-gooey, sticky kind of love (though everybody knows that can be pretty fun, too). We’re talking the kind of love that transforms broken lives, overcomes relationship struggles, brings peace to challenges like infertility, and brings healing and wholeness to the toughest moments we’ll ever face. Even with LIFE stuff going on, we know it’s possible to have the kind of love that makes you smile while falling asleep because your heart is full and at peace with the world.

We know first-hand that circumstances don’t have to define you. That you can trigger a happy, “I’m worthy of love” feeling in your soul. And that you can have something beautiful to offer the world and those you care most about -- something that was already a part of you all along -- it just needs discovering, patience, a guiding hand, somebody to show you that it is there. And when you tap into that, even your corner bodega owner might take note and wonder what all the smiles are about.

Can i be that person ?

Yes, you can be that person

That person walking down the street with a flutter in your heart and a peace that is recognizable and contagious and even makes you look more radiant. Yes, we think you are capable of having a happiness that turns heads....even if right now your head is saying, “Something must be wrong with me, I just can’t seem to do it, happiness is something other people have.” All you need are some happy love secrets, some tools that you can put into practice that will get results. And someone to love and believe in you.



About the author


20 London

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