A night out in Derhadun

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It's Thursday night and I need some lotion. As winter sets in I can't get away with not using lotion as my skin starts to dry out. If only I brought my big bottle of lotion instead of the travel one. Well thanks to a Skype call that I thought went badly but I was pleasantly surprised today by the outcome, we left later than planned for the stores. The store where I could get stuff to make caramel apples was closed. I did get my lotion though the store was closing by the time we got there. I got a brand that the sales associate recommended because imported brands were out of the question including jergens. Afterwards we went to an arcade place. We had fun in the multilevel arcade center. I got to do some bowling but I lost by just one point but I did manage to bowl 2 strikes. This blog will be short since not much to report out on. The arcade was hot as if the heat was on but it was a nice change from the cold office. 

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Curious about the world and searching to find what I can give back to the world to make it a better place for others.

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