Rantings of the frutrated

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Looks like it's been three months since I've signed in because frankly not much is going on since I've returned to NY. I'm looking for new opportunities but trying to stay focused on an end goal. What is that end goal? Good question for now it is get a job. But it can't be any job. It has to be one that can be used as a stepping stone or at least provide stability. I am trying to avoid yet another oo this sounds fun let me go to say China and teach English but I have no desire to enter a career in teaching. As much as I complained in India about the program I chose to participate in I did get one thing out of it. A sense of I want to stay in international development and social enterprise. To bad it is a small specialized niche that is difficult to break into. So on a low day I started applying to retail positions when 4 years ago I couldn't get a job as a Starbucks barista granted I am no coffee aficionado. Over the years I've made some rash decisions based on my inability to sit home for to long. I've been home for three months working promo events when I can and itching for something next. I'm almost all set for China but haven't spread the news about it and now a babysitting opportunity came up that will be off the books. My dedication to service has me back on the AmeriCorps page looking at Vista positions and this time only applying for Vista since NCCC shows my commitment to service and thanks to being a POL gave me some outreach experience but it wasn't the stepping stone I needed for a career. What are my interests why they are education (improving access to quality education, operations, definitely not teaching but other outside the classroom positions), nonprofits that work with the youth and women, international development. I would like to tackle the world's problems as it relates to poverty and development. So now to focus on one of these areas and build something instead of going in 5 million directions and hoping around the world. O and an awesome friend suggested I gain more international experience and check of Latin America as the last continent that I am yet to visit since I have no plans on visiting Antarctica. Thinking of Ecuador time for me to look up her organization. I know she interviews and hires interns but she will be fair by not hiring me just because she suggested I apply. So Monday I start babysitting and working to rearrange my schedule to have my weekdays free. If retail works out I could work nights and weekends so I'd have two jobs but then where will I find time to look for jobs I am passionate about? Means less sleep but the increased activity should help me shed the winter weight.

About the author


Curious about the world and searching to find what I can give back to the world to make it a better place for others.

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