About DOT GIF COMIX (www.dotgifcomix.com), a unique & interesting blog

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We forget to use up our everyday quota of laugh as we grow up. Laughing is very important to keep ourselves healthy. It costs us nothing, so, why not laugh at every little thing that we find funny?

Dot GIF Comix is created with the purpose of making people laugh and giggle with joy. Other than that, the purpose of our entertainment website is to serve people with something new, unique and entertaining.

We all enjoy reading & listening to jokes, whether adult jokes or silly jokes or PJs even. All the genres of jokes serve their purpose of making us laugh and giggle, or at least they make us smile. But, what if besides reading the joke, you could also see the animated joke scene? DOUBLE FUN! Right! Right?

Well, that's what we do. We post the joke as well as the animated joke scene made in .GIF format. Hence, the name Dot GIF Comix! Though here, 'comix' stands for 'comics'. Just like a comics is a collection of funny jokes, stories, etc; Dot GIF Comix is also stuffed with jokes, cute stickers, comix strips, trolls, dittos and a lot of other interesting stuff. The only twist is that our content is in .GIF format.

If we could at least put a smile on your face through our work, our purpose is served. And that's what we work for; to make you smile, laugh and giggle. So, laugh with us and also, make others laugh by sharing our work.

P.S. We try to post new GIF jokes every Monday. Follow us on social media for daily updates.

NOTE: We are planning on setting up a shop to sell animated GIF cards, soft toys, greeting cards, cool t-shirts, crop tops, fringed tops; that kinda cool & couture stuff.

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