Amazon Introduces AutoRip - Vinyl Sales Take A Small climb

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Amazon Autorip isn't revolutionary, but it's marketed and communicated in a way that makes it hard not to continue to buy CDs and vinyl records through them.

Autorip allows you to download the mp3s of an album or box set as you wait for the physical purchase to arrive. It lets you listen to the music automatically in the interim between the physical copy coming to your doorstep. 


Now realistically we know how easy it is to steal music and get mp3s, mp4s, and wav files directly towards your computer, but it's not so easy to steal a CD or a vinyl. In fact, depending on where you live you might not even be able to find the physical media. You might have to rely on Amazon just to get it to you.

So I'm a huge fan of AutoRip. When I found out about it I went on a vinyl shopping spree and built out my collection while transferring all the mp3s to my music player and playing them through my speaker set. It's the best of both worlds for one cost.

Now here I raise the million dollar question; why haven't we been doing this all along? People still buy directly from iTunes, but what if they were told they get a physical copy of the record as well when they make the purchase? What if all they had to pay was shipping?

Even if you didn't want the record wouldn't you give it as a gift or something? 

AutoRip is Amazon's embracing the inevitable - that in order to save the medium they need to modernize the experience. They are allowing you the power of convenience and giving you the pride of ownership.

Now if that's not the future of online music sales I don't know what is. Nailed it. 

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About the author


My name is Schmax. I'm a friend here at @Bitlanders and a writer living in New York. Lets be friends.

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