An Indian Thanksgiving

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As an American in India I decided to throw myself a sending of party in conjunction with Thanksgiving by having a potluck. With limited kitchen utensils and sparse furniture I made it work. Started cooking at noon and cooked one dish at a time. I set the time at 7pm/8pm expecting Indian time because my place is far and gotta love Hyderabad traffic. Almost everyone attended. Sad that one neighbor could not attend due to a fractured leg and praying for a fast recovery and full rehabilitation after today's surgery. One dish was a failure which I will figure out how to consume by tomorrow night. 

I had great company for the entire night. Met new friends though 3 I could do without due to their high level of intoxication but I welcomed them so played host until my patience wore thin. Grateful my neighbor came for a short while. Everyone enjoyed themselves or at least I think they did. One kind friend came late with 3 buddies he met at a bar bringing drinks and cigarettes. My dear friends came with their dog though he kept to the kitchen. There was good food and now what to finish the leftovers. Sadly I didn't bring drinks. Some Indians have celebrated Thanksgiving before when they were in the states. For others it was their first time hearing of the American holiday. No turkey was served nor any other typical American dishes. I made due with what I know how to cook using what was in my kitchen and buying some stuff that would not result in too much leftovers. Some people stayed the night and curious to know what my neighbor thinks of my friends that she met. 

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Curious about the world and searching to find what I can give back to the world to make it a better place for others.

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