Android app.. Play while Earning some cash

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This method of mine is not really something new, it's already known by others and practised by many... I just simply organized it and make it systematical. I use no tricks or HACK... I'm legit. I'm sharing this for the benefits of many especially of New peko users. I hope this will make a difference.
This method enables me to cash out every other day, as you can see it on my payment proof on my Facebook wall...
It all starts in Marketing Strategy
Q: how many peko can you acquire in a day?
- In my case I acquire almost 300 peko a day.. 8 hrs of playing. More peko more points!
How to do this?
1. Prepare a message to be copied and pasted... Something attractive and promising. As long as the words GOLD and JACKPOT are present in your message it would work. Just use your best pick!
2. For android, Go to scramble match, then press the power button of your phone twice, for sure the screen will be locked... Just unlocked it and wait several seconds until the messages of other players are gone...
For ios, go to scramble, access WiFi button.. Turn it off then turn on after a second, return to scramble and wait until network connection resumes. Now you can easily send or spam message as fast and as many as you want without lag and interruption from other players...
3. When somebody peko-ed me... I just simply peko back but don't play them immediately... What I do is just simply peko back and return to scramble and continue spamming... That way I'm able to collect many peko.
Q: when do I play pekos I have collected?
- I observed peak hours and slack hours...
What do I mean with peak and slack hours?
Peak hours, that is, when you can get many pekos because many players are online.. Then slack hours is when you can only get few peko.
Peak and slack hours Philippine TIME frame.. Just adjust to your country's time.
6Am-12 noon.. Peak
1-6pm slack
7pm onwards peak
During peak hours... I ONLY spam message and collect peko.
Then on slack hours I play all the pekos I have collected... But I dont play them all at once.. I also observed the frequency of GOLD and JACKPOT I get. When I can't get GOLD and JACKPOT after 5 games I pause for a while.. Because the auto-blue of peko is in effect..
What is auto-blue? Auto blue is a program of the system of peko, designed to counter the numbers of GOLD gain by other players.. So it gives balance to the points distributed to active players. (I got this information from my friend, he is a programmer.)
During that time, when auto blue is in effect, no matter how good and right is your timing.. You won't get GOLD. So during that time I do other stuff like spamming, Chatting with friends... Etc.
Another tip: During slack hours.. When only few will send you peko.. Instead of spamming in scramble.. Do your spamming in the list of recent winners of jackpot.
Another tip is have peko buddies.. At least 20.. That's 40 peko in a day.
And if I may suggest since we are in a group, we should give all our peko to our group mates before sending to others.
To EARN points faster do not rely only on your game points... use also the power of invitation. Remember it's 5k bonus per referral.. You have hundreds of friends in Facebook... Why not invite At least 10.
One more thing. Do not just play peko... Remember it's purpose... That is, to make friends, to be connected with them.. I like peko not only because I earn money by playing it, but also it gives me access to other people around the world... Who knows you'll find your dream girl, boy through this game or your dream job abroad.. Try to utilize peko at its fullest.
Tips to get GOLD and JACKPOT!
I'm an android user:
For me the most effective method to catch gold is... when the GOLD slot is located at 10:30 - 11 o'clock position. Depending on the speed of roulette. Then drop the ball at its lowest power.
Other method used by many:
When the GOLD slot is at. 12 o'clock position drop the ball using low power...
Then when the GOLD slot is at 6 o'clock position, drop the ball using full power..
My tip is you have to see immediately the location of GOLD slot and determine the speed of roulette...
Another tip.. You cannot catch all GOLD.. Just aim for green when gold seems impossible.
I have three methods in playing jackpot..
1. Mid-left-right sequence. I press buttons fast consecutively...
2. Right-Mid-Left sequence
I press buttons with .05 seconds interval..
3. My method which gives me 8-15 jackpots a day.
Left-mid-right sequence...
I press buttons left-right fast then a little delay on right button..
NOTE: YOU HAVE TO BE OBSERVANT. If in your first three tries a method you use doesn't get you pair, switch to other methods on your 4th to last try... But if you get pair and you see the green lndicator, it means you are using the right method to win that jackpot... All you need to do is get the right timing.
You may also try this method. Go to this link.
I will update this once I learned something new...
I think that's all you need to know.. I hope my method works for you as it works for me. Let's get peko-ing!

About the author


Im 21 years old

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