Are you a human experiments??

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On Netflix now there is a documentary narrated by Sean Penn that covers some pretty volatile subjects dealing with the humans and what we are exposed to. I know the first thing most of us associate the word pollution with is air. But, as we all know, it goes a great deal deeper , my friend. It is not only the food you eat, the air you breathe, the car you, but even the mattress you choose to sleep on. What I the chemical process involved in the making of any part of the material in that oh so comfortable piece of foam sewed up in cloth? I know as a younger man I definitely consider myself as a part of the so called human experiment, sometimes by choice, when I chose to smoke tobacco products and partake of alcohol. Granted, these choices were the choices I picked, but later abandoned. But , the times my positions in the workforce demanded me to be in contact with polyvinylchloride and formaldehyde. These were not my choices, they were a part of my duties in the work force. I suppose we all have our stories of exposure. I am just grateful to date, I have none of the possible side effects


About the author


I am a simple man.. likes to be online and have friends. im looking for the best way to express myself and thoughts and to earn online. ^_^

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