Are You A Rule-Abiding Citizen?

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It doesn't matter whether it's a form of simple or very important rule. We won't weigh things here.

Do you follow rules and regulations just because you're afraid of the punishment, or do you do it based on what your conscience is telling you? Whenever you see signs such as "No littering", "No loitering", "No jaywalking" and the likes, do you follow? Or whenever no one's looking, do you take the chance to break such rules?

If we would think about it carefully, doing what's right is never easy especially if it would require us extra effort. That's what we don't like.

Here's an example. If there is a footbridge, we are required to use it whenever we need to cross the street for safety measures. It will take you about 3 minutes when footbridge is used while less than a minute for the other option. But since it will be tiring to do so, whenever no one's looking, we'll always resort to jaywalking. People are people. They will always choose the easier way. 


Now I wonder how will the world be like if everyone will follow the rules eagerly. 

If every social media sites like this would be spammers-free and if every members would follow every rules and regulations set, then I think everyone is expected to achieve success here. 





About the author


A petite Engineering student with big cheeks and bigger dreams!

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