Astral Projection

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Astral Projection is something many people don't know about even if they are into Lucid Dreaming. Personally I have never traveled this way in my spirit form but have heard countless stories of people's experiences. One experience was a man who looked in the mirror after he awoke from his body and looked at himself sleeping; in the mirror he saw a static ball full of bright colors like blue, red, and yellow. He also stated that he flies out of his living room window every night. When i saw that video I thought the information he was sharing was pretty valuable to someone who is interested in the OBE life. When someone has an OBE that informs me that they are Awake within the universe. They understand themselves as a whole to understand others. 

The intent on why you enter the spiritual world definitely matters. You should have an intent of going to sleep and waking up out of your existing body. Deep breaths, complete quietness, and a clear mind all help this OBE happen a lot sooner. As well as eating healthy which can help the pineal gland open up into the conscious world where your spirit lives among other spirits and entities.

If you wish to know more about Astral Projection I will be sharing my stories as soon as I am able to do so. I can also share more information because this is just a summary. Another way to become one with the universe would be to read the 20 laws of the universe and try to implicate them into everyday life.

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