Be different and find tasteful films

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Hello Everyone,

It's a new year which means a new start. Normally I like to watch movies depending on how I feel. If I am in a loving mood, I like to watch romantic comedy's that constantly remind of the tingling feeling and excitement I am going through.What movie mood are you in? Is it going to horror, action, suspense or comedy. This is usually the question I ask myself. However, this year I am thinking outside the box. Not being open to other movies I would normally not watch is not a good habit. Just like food, music or clothes we must always keep an open mind for New things. You never what will happen and if you will actually love it . That is my main 'movie' resolution this year. I would like to movies like sci-fi, drama and horror. These are the genres that I do not normally watch. Are you the movie person that only watches movies in areas that only interests you?

Being selective when picking movies could hold you back from giving something different a chance. It may be hard to feel uncomfortable or scared about something but that doesn't mean it fully bad or tasteless. You don't want to live regrets especially in the movie world. You have full control over your selections and a small taste which can lead to a new like. What are some of your favorite and least favorite movie genres?

Have a great day,

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My name is Cyndi Mendoza, a new addition to the Film Annex Team. I was born and raised in Orange County, California, but have now lived in New York for about three years. I graduated from Pace University, majoring in International Marketing with minors in political science and Spanish. I…

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