Beacon Of Light

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A small boat set sail on an adventure;

riding the ocean and the wind.

Sailing towards the pot of gold

making friends and foe along the way.


The sky burst with colors, reflection;

a sight to behold, enchanting the small boat.

But darkness creeps, swallowed the pot of gold;

making the ocean sway from fear and the wind howl in sadness.


Not a single star came to his rescue,

the moon whom he worship abandons him.

He tried to fight with all his strength,

until he surrenders to the embrace of darkness...

He was lost...drowning...


A faint light flicker in the distance,

Giving the small boat hope...

but he was far too deep in the darkness.

the light seems to insist something, shining brighter;

demanding him to follow.


This gives him courage,

gathering his will and strength,

He paddles towards the light with bumps and bruises,

until he reached solid ground.



This is written for my mom whose now in heaven. I miss her so much :( but life goes on...she's still my beacon of light.

DISCLAIMER: got the image from google

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