Being a Vegan

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Photo Source: Get Healthy Cairo

What is VEGAN?

Vegan or veganism is a type of veggie diet that exludes all animal product like meat, dairy, eggs etc. Only eat food from plants. Even in clothes and other stuff. Most vegan people are animal lover.

Types of Vegetarian

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“May all that have life be delivered from suffering.” -Buddha

Why Vegan?

Just think of this, how your action today can affect the future? First your health, are you aware that almost of the chornic diseases is come from your food? What you inject in your system from what you eat all is been filter and pump to your internal organ. 

Here are list possible health risk.

1. More significally increases your risk of cancer.

World Health Organization (WHO) declared process meat is a "carcinogen" which push more cancer related health issue.

2. It Increase the risk of hearth attack and diabetes.

Hearth attacks is a spy killer you don't know when or where will you be hit. Because of the fats of the animal block thru your arteries and veins. People who eat high amount of animal protein are 22 percent more likely develop diabetes. It is a high maintenance disease to afford.

3. It may contribute to male erectile disfunction.

Awts this hurts mostly men who enjoy sex. So you like to be dependent in some supplements that make your manhoon high? Never...

4. Most our meat today has hormones in it.

Before you have been heard chicken 45days, today it is only 30 to 35 days, because of the supplements that they inject and feed. And if you can see there are more gays and lesbian today because of the hormonal imbalance.

5. Increase the risk of early death.

All your wishes and plan may be say goodbye because it is not much enough for your earning to pay your hospital bill.

"I personally chose to go vegan because I educated myself on factory farming and cruelty to animals, and I suddenly realized that what was on my plate were living things, with feelings. And I just couldn’t disconnect myself from it any longer.” -Ellen DeGeneres

Love for the animals.

Photo Source: Twitter British GQ

People for The Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) this agency are responsible for animal rights around the globe. They have animal sanctuary and they make animals a better life. So if you are an animal lover so please make do a donation to them.

Love of Mother Nature.

“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.” -Albert Einstein

It is funny people tell and advocate about climate change are the one don't understand the biggest factor that contribute climate change. Did you know that cows fart (methane) is mainly contribute to do the same greenhouse damage as four tons of carbon dioxide? It is hard to explain so far but this documentary Meat the Truth may explain well.

Video Source: YouTube by Globetransformer

Here in the Philippines there are some community have taken the step to make difference, you can join them in Facebook and learn a lot more. 

For documentaries and movies you can watch some of them in Youtube and can buy a copy of dvd.

Here are some list of vegan movies.

1. Forks over Knives (2011)

2. COWSPIRACY: The Sustainability Secret (2014)

3. Earthlings (2005)

4. Vegucated (2011)

5. Live And Let Live (2013)

6. Food Matters (2008)

7. Eating You Alive (2016)

8. Plant Pure Nation (2015)

9. Planeat (2010)

10. Meet your Meat (2002)

Thank you for make interest in my blog so just i always say, Keep healthy and make the world a better place.

Blog Source: www.bustle.comSup


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