Being close to happy people, we can catch crumbs of happiness.

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Buddha has said that there is only one moment when it is important that we will wake up and that moment is now. Yesterday, sitting at the computer in the other room, I heard how my husband and son listening to music started to sing. Suddenly, I felt so happy because I imagined how they have lot of fun and how feel good. I let their mood enter to myself and it penetrated me.

I thought that it is easy to catch flying others happiness moments and a few minutes to enjoy them. As if to steal a piece of the others joy, being them not aware of this, and without harming them. From a young age we are taught to sympathize all suffering, imagining how it is hard for them. Maybe that is why meeting someone in the street, when we want to exchange a few words, we start to complain about hard life and inflation? Because we know how to understand bad things and sympathize. But how about happy moments? All emotions are easily passed from hands to hands, from eyes to eyes, so why not share moments of happiness?

When asked "how are you?" and received the answer "good" conversation breaks down or you're talking about the weather. However, an answer of "bad" develops conversation - what is wrong, why? Maybe we do not know how to talk about good and nice things, but rather understand the bad things?

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