"Believe and it comes true!"

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By Branni
from Smalandsstenar sweden

Hi! Thank you Rhonda Byrne and all the team behind The Secret for give me all the pieces I'll needed to understand the universe!! 

My story started a few years ago even before I'll watched The Secret for the first time!! When I was a about 10 years I was dreaming about a nice guy like my father!! I wanted In my future to get married with a guy from my home country! That was my dream!! And guess what, when I was 21 I met my husband from Bosnia, I'm from Serbia! He was nice like my father! Very good looking and he still is!! I'll then wished for children!! We have 5 children now!! 3 boys and 2 girls!! Even that I wished!! 

About 5-6 years ago I heard about The Secret and I bought the book!! I readed the book two times, watched the movie, read The Magic and now I really understand everything!! One year ago I wrote my list that all the things I want to come true!! The first I wanted was I new car!! Yes after maybe 3 months we bought a new car!! The next was a small dog! After 2 months we got our dog!! After that we wanted to sell our house because we wanted to move to a bigger city!! I even told the guy who was going to sell the house to sell before December!! And guess what!! We sold the house in December!! Now we didn't have anyway to go so we really hoped for a place to stay in the city we wanted to move to!! After a month we got our apartment!!
So many things to be greatfull for!! We are so happy!!!

And I almost forgot!! 2011 I wanted to go back to school and I came in to university where I still am!! 
Everything is really true! Whatever I wanted came to me!! Just believe and watch for the road, universe gives you everything you want! I't will become yours just put your faith to it!!! 
A lot of love Branni

About Branni from Smalandsstenar sweden:

I'm a mother of five children, married, study and living my dreamlife!!

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