Best Friends Giving You Bad Advice?

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Do you feel like when you vent to certain friends about your relationship they don't seem to give positive advice on how to fix your relationship but instead they tell you how bad it is and that you should just leave him? Especially if your friends are single does it seem that they want company? A true friend will not tell you to simply give up on your relationship or tell you that your partner is terrible but will give you advice on what you can try to do to make things work or play devil's advocate to show that you may not be 100% in the clear. Of course this does not stand for a friend trying to convince you to get out of an abusive relationship. By all means a true friend should be helping you to end that type of relationship. But for everyday problems or hardships in relationships that can be fixed, you should be able to go to your true friends for positive advice..not negative. And for the most part you will probably NOT end up leaving your partner and therefore the negative advice from your friend may make you feel uncomfortable about telling your friend that you decided to stay in the relationship. If you don't feel like any of your friends can do this for you try not to go to them to discuss relationship issues but maybe try speaking with a therapist or Love Mentor (see Dr. Diana episode) who can give you an objective POV. Also as you listen to your friends talk about their relationship try to be objective and think about both sides because it usually isn't completely black and white. xx Love Mania

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Two best friends who have known each other since childhood, discuss dating, relationships and love. They share their experiences, friends stories and emails from fans. Questions or stories? Email us at

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