BitLanders C-Blogging: Main ethical problems of artificial intelligence

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Image credit: Jens Mahnke via Pexels

This is my new C-Blog in the framework of the unique AI-inspired project named "BitLanders C-Blogging." My previous C-Blogs are "BitLanders C-Blogging: Future of artificial intelligence," "BitLanders C-Blogging: History of artificial intelligence," and "BitLanders C-Blogging: Main misconceptions about artificial intelligence."

Humanitarian aspects of AI are becoming topical with the spreading practical application of technologies that have received the generalized name “artificial intelligence.” In most of the cases, the term means the use of so-called neural networks - specialized IT-systems that are capable of learning for better solutions of certain tasks previously inaccessible to machines; a typical example is an unmanned vehicle driving.

New technologies are changing our daily lives and raising ethical questions that have not previously existed. Changes in the life of mankind, which artificial intelligence can and already brings, are difficult to compare with what appeared earlier. Mankind can get rid of most of the famous professions, and potentially create a new form of life.

Smart computer systems change our lives for the better: optimization of logistics, fraud detection, research and implementation of translation. The more capable they become, the more efficiently our world works, and therefore, richer.

It is very important to think about the main ethical problems of artificial intelligence, as the changes are totally new to humans. I have selected the eight main ethical problems of artificial intelligence. You may read the most interesting information from my research in the Querlo chat below. Feel free to check it out.


Image credit: Screenshot of Querlo chat

It is very important to inform people about the real impact and changes made by artificial intelligence. BitLanders C-Blogging uses C-Blogs, the future of blogging, to tell more about the new opportunities brought by AI. If you want to create your own C-Blog, read the guidelines here and visit

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