BLOG #174: Watch your words or shut up

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I just heard from a friend (F1) today that a friend (F2) of his jumped from the library building in of the universities here in our city - committing suicide.  According to speculations, there was a rumor about F2 that he has AIDS.  Maybe that was one of the reasons that drove him to the edge and took his own life because he cannot take what was being said about him.

We are all different.  Some of us cope easily while others cannot.  Some have strong personality while others are emotionally unstable and sensitive.

Before you say what you have to say, be sure and know the facts.  Ask the person involved and don't divert from the truth.  Don't believe everything people tell you.

In the case of F2, he is someone with mental disorder.  He gets depressed easily.  But do people know that?  His friends maybe but not everybody knows.  IF ONLY.  People who spread rumors are nothing but worthless space wasters.  Don't be a victim of them.

Be more considerate of others' feelings and emotions.  You'll never know how your words make an impact on others.  Always, always, ALWAYS guard your tongue, better yet DON'T SPEAK IF YOU HAVE NOTHING GOOD TO SAY.

About the author


Loves to travel, nature, hiking, exploring, foodie, photography.

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