Boy Drowned, No One Knows CPR

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Watched this video of a commotion after the parents found out their boys had been drown in the beach of Ginatilan Cebu. The people here are speaking in the native Bisaya dialect but one can definitely see that they are trying to save the life of the child. Unfortunately, no one knows how to do the CPR.

I admit, I don't have any knowledge with how to do CPR as well that's why after seeing this heart breaking video, I immediately looked for other videos which shows how to do the CPR the right way.

After I watched some tutorials and live actual footage as well, I am now confident with doing the said activity. Although I haven't really tested how to do it but I am quite familiar now with the steps.

I also urge everyone to learn it, we don't really know what will happen to us or to our loved ones, we just have to be ready and educated.

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♥ saved by grace ♥

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