Can you be friends with your ex?

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I'm sure all of us have tried once before to stay friends with our ex because of something special about the relationship that you wanted to have in your life or because of all the work you've put into a relationship that it sucks to just end it and not keep in touch. However, most of the time it doesn't work out as intended. Especially if one of you still cares/loves the other person and thinks by being "just friends" they will realize how great you are and that everyone else out there sucks compared to you. Problem is if you/he doesn't ever come around and one of you winds up being further disappointed. Or...if you do move on to another relationship your partner may be uncomfortable with you keeping in touch with your old flame and that may cause secrets/tension in the relationship. So what do you do if you really want to keep a friendship with you ex? Here are a few questions you should ask yourself: Did you start as friends or commit to each other shortly after meeting? How long did the relationship last? Was the breakup mutual or were one of you heartbroken over it? Did a betrayal occur? Do you have children together? Deep down inside you will know what type of "friendship" you can actually have with this person and if either of you have an ulterior motive than you know it doesn't really make sense and isn't healthy for you to be friends. Especially if one of you is trying to move on with another person. Stay true to yourself and go with your gut. xx Love Mania

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Two best friends who have known each other since childhood, discuss dating, relationships and love. They share their experiences, friends stories and emails from fans. Questions or stories? Email us at

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