Chapter 6: The Rich Invent Money

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Chapter 6: The Rich Invent Money
The author develops the concept of self-doubt. He says that each person is born with talent but that talent is suppressed because of self-doubt and fear. He remarks that it?s not necessarily the educated smart people who get ahead but the bold and adventurous. People never get ahead financially even if they have plenty of money because they have opportunities that they fail to tap, he stresses. Most of them just sit around waiting for opportunity to happen. The author?s idea is that people create luck; they should not wait around for it. He says it?s the same with money. It has to be created.

In this chapter, the author discusses the importance of an education (although some critics say that he appears to downplay its importance). The author is clear by saying, ?a trained mind is a rich mind.? In his analysis, there are two types of investors, each with a different mind set: those who go for the packaged investment, and those who customize investments to suit their objectives.

The author encourages people to hire people more intelligent than they because by capitalizing on the knowledge of others, an intelligent individual builds his own knowledge base and therefore has more power over those who don?t know.

About the author


I love blogging and i'm an auto enthusiast. For me there's so much more to learn but i can just keep it in touch with learning cause a master started from nothing.

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