Take Advantage of Carbs

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A much higher percentage of your caloric intake should come from carbohydrates. The nice thing about carbs is that we can eat boat-loads of them without getting full. Use that to your advantage by eating a generous serving of carbs at every meal. Starchy, unprocessed, whole grain carbs will help you feel and look your best—opt for sweet potatoes over white bread. Drink simple carbs during your workout. If anyone should be drinking calories, it's the ectomorph. You'll feel energized and have more to give, especially towards the end of a grueling workout. Don't get in the habit of drinking sugary carbs all day, however. Outside of your workout window (from the start of your workout until about an hour after your last lift), keep your carbs unprocessed, starchy, and whole, as mentioned above.

About the author


I love blogging and i'm an auto enthusiast. For me there's so much more to learn but i can just keep it in touch with learning cause a master started from nothing.

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