Chapter 8: Overcoming Obstacles

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Chapter 8: Overcoming Obstacles
The opinion of the author is that five personality traits hamper human beings: fear, cynicism, laziness, bad habits, arrogance. He explains that while it?s normal to have fear, what matters is how one handles it. The author shares his sentiment about his particular fondness for Texas and Texans: ?When they win, they win big and when they lose, it?s spectacular.?

The author maintains that it?s not merely a question of balance but also FOCUS. He recommends that the Chicken Littles of the world be ignored. They?re only concerned about the sky falling, spending the rest of their lives in pessimism. He says he constantly hears people saying they want to be rich, but when it?s suggested that money can be made from real estate, their initial reaction is ?but I don?t want to fix toilets.? The author believes it?s ironic that they?re more concerned about trivia like fixing toilets rather than what lies ahead in real estate. As a final point, the author states that it is healthy to be greedy, so when faced with a decision, a person must always ask, ?What?s in it for me??

About the author


I love blogging and i'm an auto enthusiast. For me there's so much more to learn but i can just keep it in touch with learning cause a master started from nothing.

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