Cherry Head Red Foot Tortoise Facts

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A cherry head red foot tortoise is a uniquely beautiful reptile that is incredibly popular among exotic pet owners. A cherry head red foot tortoise makes a great pet that is low maintenance and will provide a lifetime of satisfaction.



A cherry head red foot tortoise is small to medium size growing to an average length of 9 - 12 inches long. 



The beautiful unique color pattern of a cherry head red foot tortoise makes them easily distinguished from all other types of tortoises. The head and legs are a vivid bright red or a red and orange color blend. The shell has a pattern mixture of solid bright orange or golden orange with dividing lines of dark brown or a light tan color.  



The size and design of the housing varies depending on the size of the tortoise. Younger, smaller cherry head red foot tortoise requires an enclosure equivalent to a twenty-gallon aquarium. The size of the housing will have to increase until the tortoise reaches its maximum size. 


The flooring must be a material that the tortoise will not eat, and absorbs and retains humidity. Common choices include store bought pre-bagged Cyprus mulch, sand, or soil.


Provide a covered area that with cage carpet, free of the flooring material, where the daily food will be available.


A shady hiding area equivalent to the underneath of a small bush or tall grass is required.



A cherry head red foot tortoise requires a diet that is high in fiber and calcium, and low in fat and protein. Supplement store bought tortoise food with natural food daily. Provide a wide variety of natural food until favorites become clear. Natural food should consist of plant products including carrots, collard greens, cucumbers, green leaf lettuce, kale, spinach, squash, sweet potatoes, romaine lettuce and tomatoes. A small amount of natural food should consist of animal foods including butter worms, earthworms, mealworms, super worms, and wax worms, and equally small amount of fruit consisting of bananas, grapes, mango, peaches and strawberries.



Water must be constantly available because a cherry head red foot tortoise will drink from and soak in the same water dish. The water dish must be large enough and shallow enough to allow the tortoise to safely enter and exit. 


Calcium and Vitamin Supplement

A cherry head red foot tortoise requires a large amount of calcium and vitamins to ensure proper shell growth, body development, and overall physical health. Dust a calcium, and vitamin supplement onto the tortoise’s favorite food one to two times per week.  


Temperature and Humidity Requirements

The temperature and humidity requirements within the living area are essential to allow for proper health. Monitor the temperature and humidity with a thermometer and a humidity gauge.


A heat lamp or light that emits full spectrum fluorescent light is required. The vital UVB rays from the light provide vitamin B3, which is essential for the tortoise to be able to retain calcium. 


A cherry head red foot tortoise does not naturally hibernate. If they become too cold, or hot the tortoise will become lethargic and unhealthy. Keep the temperature during the day between 80 – 90 degrees Fahrenheit, and the temperature at night between 60 - 70 degrees Fahrenheit.   


The humidity must remain at a constant level between 70 - 90 percent. Use a humidifier and/or mist spray to guarantee proper humidity.



Owning a cherry head red foot tortoise provides lifetime enjoyment, but comes with extreme responsibilities. A cherry head red foot tortoise will live over 50 years.


NEVER release a captive raised cherry head red foot tortoise into a non-captive living situation. This particular tortoise originates from the Brazilian Rain Forest so introducing the animal into a non-native area would result in the tortoise dying, or killing local populations of native plants and animals. 


Copyright © 2016, John Mallozzi

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