Christmas today

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I used to have a very happy Christmas during my younger days. But as the years passes by, I have noticed that the celebration of the Christmas season seemed to be so commercial that it seemed the Christmas celebration is not complete or wont push through when a family do not have new things in their houses such a new clothes, great food, new clothes etc. Not to mention the Christmas display they place on their houses such as lanterns, lights and Christmas trees.

So if a family head do not have enough income, they will just have to go with simple meals, simple clothes and just hear mass before the Christmas day. I used to have almost the same kind of celebration except that my parents then were so particular in preparing special foods for Christmas eve and we have new clothes and some imported toys. It is only lately that I realized that Christmas is not just having good and great food, or  new things and clothes but you will feel better and more fulfilled when you share what you have with some people who have less in life. You will feel good and happy seeing that the people you shared your goods were feeling great and thanking you for sharing what you have with them for the Christmas.

I now share what we have to the less fortunate friends and some neighbors during this season as it really make us feel good knowing that somehow we fulfill what our Lord said in the bible like "if you do this to the less fortunate or share something to the needy... you did it for me. So I feel it is better to share during this season and other times to people who needed help than let your excess food or things go to waste. It also great to share what we have to those who have lesser in life.

I believe also that we have to share and help our needy friends not only during this season but even during ordinary times when someone needed our help. Just  as I thought and feel like doing for now. And Christmas is here to remind us that Jesus was sent to us by the "Father" to prove His love for us and to save us.

About the author


I am an Independent Business Development Consultant and at the same time a Feng Shui Consultant. I can be reached at my email address.

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