Cinnamon the miracle spice

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I use cinnamon daily in pretty large quantities, almost 1 tablespoon. How do I eat it? Well I normally add it in my morning/evening tea or in my breakfast cereals. I also like to add a pinch of cinnamon in every dessert that I make. Why? Because it’s amazingly healthy! It helps me maintain my weight and keep my body flu-resistant.

Cinnamon is recommended for our health. If consumed daily it regulates blood pressure and it also contains antioxidants which we all know that are very important for our bodies.

Cinnamon oil has a spicy, pleasant aroma meant to revive tired or weak bodies. Two or three drops of cinnamon oil poured into a glass of cold water can do wonders if the mixture is smelled by a tired person. I usually add 3-4 drops of cinnamon oil in my face and body creams (I will post soon about my daily beauty routine which includes only natural products).

Cinnamon the miracle spice | Cinnamon reduces cholesterol levels

Cinnamon is a spice that stimulates the production of digestive fluid and eliminates stomach pain. According to American researchers, cinnamon is a real medicine. A little cinnamon every day (half a teaspoon) can reduce triglycerides and total cholesterol level by 30%.

Cinnamon the miracle spice | How to Test Honey?

The combination of honey and cinnamon has been used for centuries in oriental medicine. These ingredients have great qualities and were used as remedies since ancient times.

I use honey as the main sweetener in all of my desserts. I use only honey from verified beekeepers and I never buy honey from the store. I don’t know if you are aware that most of the beekeepers feed sugar or high fructose corn syrup to bees to rapidly increase the production of honey; therefore, all the great qualities of honey disappear. One way of testing honey is to introduce a teaspoon in the honey jar and then pour the honey back into the jar. If the honey flows continuously it means that it is natural, when it’s dripping the honey is counterfeit.

Cinnamon the miracle spice | Antibacterial properties + Homemade Mouthwash Ingredients

Bacteria find a feared enemy in cinnamon. This amazing spice has antimicrobial properties and a regular consumption prevents bacterial growth and infection. It is also a very good brain tonic and has anti-inflammatory properties.

I use cinnamon + sodium bicarbonate + aloe vera juice (pure and unsweetened) as mouthwash. I don’t use alcohol based mouthwashes because are carcinogenic. Once a week I brush my teeth with sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) because it is a great teeth-whitener.

Take my advice and start using cinnamon daily. You will see the results sooner than you think. Your immune system will be a lot stronger; honestly I don’t even remember the last time I had the flu.

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