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Cleanliness is half of faith

Cleanliness is half of faith and this lesson teaches by Islam. We believe on Islam and accept this beautiful religion. Hazrat Mohammad (P.B.U.H) the last prophet of Allah and he also said cleanliness is half of faith.

If we check our daily life routine about cleanliness like washing hands before eating, washing hand after eating food, washing hands after attending washroom, cleaning teethes on daily basis early in the morning, jogging or walking early in the morning is very good for health no one will face any kind of blood pressure diseases or heart attack, bathing, cleaning our around environment etc.

What are these habits; yes these are cleanliness which provide health and will never become ill and week. Good health is necessary for success life.

We should adopt all habits of cleanliness because is the only way to get good health.

We should enforce these habits on our children for protecting them from diseases. Cleaning is the essential arguments of life. Everyone should take care of cleaning of their selves and the around the environment. Clean teeth mean our stomach will get clean food from bacteria. Washing hands before eating is to protect from stomach diseases.

Clean environment will protect our children from diarrhea  etc. Often came to be see that poor families or uneducated families do not keep care of cleanliness and in result their children often felled in diseases.

As a humanity this is our responsibility to aware and mobilize them towards cleanliness and it is our human duty.

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