Codes and their Importance

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Code of Ethics
*Role played by Code of Ethics:
*Protecting the interest of public
*Serving the public
*Main obligation of the professionals
*General Guidance
*Identify the primary responsibilities
*Expressing one’s profession’s commitment to the ethics
*Providing the positive stimulus / motivation Shared Standards
*Establish the explicit standards
*Fair-playing while competing for the clients / users
*Support for the responsible professionals
*Support for the professionals seeking to act ethically
*Take stand on moral issues
*Education and Mutual Understanding
*Discuss the cases based on the moral issues
*Shared understanding among the professionals, public and government
*Deterrence and Discipline
*Formal basis for investigating the unethical event
*Contributing to the Professional Image
*Codes present a positive image to the public and clients
*The Image that helps an engineer to serve the public and clients effectively
*Codes provide the power of Self-Regulation
*Codes achieve and sustain the trust of public and clients
Abuses and Limitations of the Codes:
Abuses: When the codes are taken too seriously
Limitations: Codes are not a substitute of personal responsibility and ethical behaviour  
+Codes are not a one key to all the solutions
+Codes are specialised
+Codes can have the flaws
 Ethical Relativism  Theory of Relativism
Did the profession’s code of ethics create the obligations or it recorded the obligations which did already exist?
Comparison of the arguments of Michael Davis and Stephen Unger about the Code of Ethics
Michael Davis: An American philosopher and professor of philosophy
Michael Davis's arguments about the Code of Ethics:
pressures (for example, the pressure to cut corners to save the money / achieve the economy) by making it reasonably likely that most other members of the profession will not take advantage of the good conduct.
Michael Davis's arguments about the Code of Ethics:
*A code protects members of a profession from certain consequences while competing. A code is a solution to a management / coordination problem.
*Code of ethics allows an engineer to object to a pressure to produce substandard work not merely as an ordinary moral agent, but as a professional. Engineers can say "As a professional, I cannot ethically put the business concerns ahead of the Professional Ethics” (quoted by Michael Davis).
@@Davis gave four reasons that why the professionals should support their profession’s code:
First, supporting it will help protect them from being injured by what others do unethically.
Second, supporting the code will also help assure each engineer a working environment in which it will be easier than it would otherwise be to resist pressure to do much that the engineers would rather not do.
Third, the Engineers should support their profession's code because supporting it will help make their profession a practice of which they need not feel .
fourth to do his part in generating the benefits for all the Engineers.
Stephen A Unger: An American executive recruiter and a regular writer of the articles of ‘leadership’ for a weekly trade publication “Daily Variety”, working in NY, USA (born in 1946)
Stephen Unger's arguments about the Code of Ethics:
First, it serves as a collective recognition by the members of a profession of its responsibilities.
Second, it helps create an environment in which ethical behavior is the norm.
Third, it serves as a guide or reminder in specific situations
Fourth, the process of developing and modifying the Code of Ethics can be valuable for a profession.  
Fifth, a code serves as an educational tool, providing a focal point for discussions in the classes and professional meetings.
Finally, a code indicates to others that the profession is seriously concerned with the responsible and professional conduct.
Obligations related to a Particular Role as a professional
Sound Professional Codes withstand the Three Tests:
Clear and Coherent
Organised: Basic moral values are applicable to that profession
Helpful: Provide the helpful and reasonable guidance

About the author


i am a student of civil engineering takes much interest in this field

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