Collect hearts this weekend! - Film Annex Newsletter

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Happy 4th of July weekend everyone! We mentioned that the tags were back in our previous newsletter. Now, you can also add "product placement" tags to your list and attract the attention of certain brands and labels. For example, you can tag your films with certain products you used during production (Coca-Cola, Heineken, The New York Times, etc.). To do so, choose the "admin your movies" button on your page and edit your movie details. If you're uploading a new film, you'll find the tag box on the upload form. Now, our featured trio: Meet Ken Rivas Yonekura, a native of Venezuela and our featured filmmaker this week! A former model, Ken quickly discovered that his passion lay in fashion, film, and photography. Working with magazines and spending time on TV sets led him to experiment with filmmaking. His latest film, The Last Regret, is a powerful exploration of people's actions and their consequences. A suspenseful and well-acted short that is definitely worth watching. We all know about heart breakers, but has anyone heard of heart collectors? Some people collect stamps, others collect bottle caps, but in our animated featured film, Heart Collector, our protagonist collects... well... hearts! Heart Collector is full of originality and whimsy. It's very short, yet thought-provoking and a bit mind boggling. And it's surely a great way to spend 2 minutes and 47 seconds this weekend. Horse-riding, people-loving, tyrant-fighting, black-masked (and caped) hero! Rediscover the legendary Zorro with two black&white serials: Zorro’s Fighting Legion and Zorro’s Black Whip. If you've ever wanted to live in the Spanish colonial era of California and meet Don Diego's secret alter ego, tune into Zorro Web TV. For daily news, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Digg for the latest updates!

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