Countdown to Commitment: The New Year's Resolution

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Countdown to Commitment: The New Year’s Resolution

Photo credit to christels of

What up, guys? I haven’t done a writeup dedicated to a holiday (Halloween and Christmas), so for the new year festivity, I won’t miss it. I’m a bit pumped up sharing what I have to patch up in my life for the next 365 days.

The Countdown Begins…

Photo credit to annca of

Only 3 nights left before my iron-fisted pledges start in 2017. Last year I was only able to make a mental note of the things I want to improve and change in my life; that didn’t work out well. So as statistics had etched on paper, having a new year’s resolution and setting one’s mind to commit to it would have an impact in fulfilling one’s set of goals. And I quote:

New Year's resolvers (n = 159) and comparable nonresolvers interested in changing a problem later (n = 123) were followed for six months…Resolvers reported higher rates of success than nonresolvers; at six months, 46% of the resolvers were continuously successful compared to 4% of the nonresolvers.

-         Journal of Clinical Psychology, 2002


5…4…3…2…1—I’m playing along these numbers (regarding how many year-long plans I’ll be achieving/finishing). The fewer, the better in completing the tasks involved. Focus, I think, is the key in completing one’s aim. If I’ll be focusing on too many things, my attention and mindset might be divided which will lead me to not reaching a single goal.

Other New Year's Resolution Tips. Video credit to Healthy & Happy of

I’m also getting a bit nervous because I’ll be sharing on the internet what I want to achieve for next year. Well, I have my reasons—one being a public declaration being a more powerful enforcer to push through with one’s commitments. I’m listening to this advice I’ve read from quirkology:

For women:
Go public
- Many people keep their New Year's Resolution to themselves. Unfortunately, this makes it all too easy to simply forget about them. Instead, go public.


Another is I’ll be tracking what progress I have made when 2017 ends (heh, it hasn’t even started yet and I’m thinking of ending it, LOL).

Who Started This Anyway?

Photo credit to mleonascimento0 of

The popular online encyclopedia tells us that it predates Christ’s era, yet it has religious origins. Polytheistic religions pledge to one of their gods to do something good like paying off debts or committing themselves to their written code.

However, it grew in popularity along the west just when the Great Depression was about to end. The popular online encyclopedia didn’t jot details as to why, but since then many people were joining the new year’s resolution goals bandwagon.

The Dreaded List

Had a big gulp typing the subtitle, but here we go. Onward:

Bible in a Year

Photo credit to Pexels of

My laity-professor once told us that you can complete hearing the whole bible by going to mass every day for three years. That’s the case for Catholics. As a Pentecostal, we do daily devotions. For years, I haven’t been able to finish this goal simply because my former list goes like this: 2 chapters from the Old Testament, 1 chapter from the New Testament, 5-6 verses of Psalms, 5-6 verses of Proverbs. For the first few months, I was adamant about the routine. I even avoided some timely shuteye just so I can finish Numbers (oh, the Pentateuch). But when summer hit, my record had gone intermittent. Then it plummeted down to “I-just-didn’t-care-anymore.” So for 2017, I’m going to follow what is written within the back pages of my big sister’s bible. No sweat…well, I hope.


I think everyone with a religion (or who is superstitious) needs to grow spiritually. As a christian, The Word can refresh my soul and lead me to the path of righteousness. There’s also more stuff to learn about our Lord God, and whenever I’m in doubt of things, reading the bible would help me grow in my faith. Lately I’ve been wondering about what He said that “even my (your) hairs of your head are numbered.” It has a special place in my thoughts whenever I feel life is random. What more if I've refreshed myself to what the whole Scripture says?

The Goodreads Reading Challenge


I had a Goodreads account but I don’t log in in it at all. It’s weird because I sometimes read book reviews from books I want to read in Goodreads. Well, my recent account is empty of reviews, nada. Probably because of my discovery of amazon giving away e-books for free that I don’t depend on Goodreads any longer. I had some reviews on my old GR account; unfortunately, somebody made me delete it. Anyway, to cut the bull, I’ve first known this reading challenge from that site. It’s been floating from time to time but I haven’t managed to buck up to complete such list.

But lo, here I am, will be doing exactly this bibliophile’s bucket list this coming year… I think I’m going to take things slow and start off with a book a month. Yeah, I’m that chicken. Well, I guess as long as I achieve this goal anyhow…

screencap from google search

But on my part, I won’t limit the reading challenge to fiction. There’s so much stuff to know about that are just floating around the information superhighway! Stuff that are useful, mind you. What more is that I might blog about it every month.

Healthy Lifestyle

I think this is everybody’s top of the list. Let’s face it, there’s so much pollution in the environment, too many things to get occupied about that we forget leg work (the literal stuff), and too many scrumptious delicacies that we forget we are abusing this one God’s gift we could only experience once: physical life.

Photo credit to iainswife of

Lately I’ve been researching about what superfoods to munch on instead of preservative-laden chips, but I get a bit heart-broken every time I look at the price tags of such. Health is wealth and is for the wealthy indeed. Other people have a workaround on this with them being in a place where fresh produce abound, and sometimes it’s even free! If you’re within that kind of ‘hood, make the most of it because it’s one of the keys to a healthy lifestyle. As for me, I’ll start with cheap greens and work my way up. Aaaand, only a fastfood snack a week for me.

Photo credit to skeeze of

And for pumping up my blood? I think I would pledge 2 km a week. I can do more, but what I want here is to reach my goals. 2 km is very realistic. If my orthostatic hypotension doesn’t improve, I’ll rev it up to 4 km a week. My hypotension (low blood pressure) is a side effect of one of my meds, so I really have to do this (plus, my lifestyle had been sedentary).

That’s a wrap for me. What about you? Any new year’s resolution you want to share? Meanwhile, here's a little tyke's new year's resolutions:

 Video credit to Eric Palonen of


Disclaimer: P/V not mine. Writeup written in my own words.


About the author


Biology degree holder who scribbles out her musings about science and technology; sometimes movie and food reviews.

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