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I freaking waited 3 years for this movie but it turned out be worse than I expected. It saddens me to say that all the reviews were correct and this is coming from an epic Dc fan. Ben Affleck is the life of the movie. He is the only good thing about the movie. Every Bat element in this movie (Alfred, Gadgets, Bat-mobile etc etc) were spectacular and spot on but I lost faith in Batman when he turned out to be a coward bastard HE'S THE FREAKING BATMAN FOR CHRIST SAKE HE DOESN'T SURRENDER HE DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO.
Lex Luthor was so stupid and his motivations so unclear. His hatred towards Superman couldn't be justified and his grand plan was flawed. Batman's motivations are also cloudy. What happened that led him to even thinking about killing Superman. They adapted The Dark Knight Returns story line and in the comics Batman had a solid reason to fight Superman and he fought him to make a point. There was a whole back story to their fight which justified every thing but even then Batman only wanted to maim superman not kill him. Wonder Woman was a bad ass. Her costume , her stance and her fighting scenes were so good. Her solo movie shows potential.
The ending fight sequence was so horribly done. Batman was actually running from Doomsday and Batman who was so against Superman for "murdering" hundreds of citizens in metropolis , led a rampaging murdering monster to a heavily populated area without a sound plan BATMAN DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT. They also adapted The Death of Superman story line and succeeded in destroying another iconic arc. Superman's death in the movie is till date the most meaningless death ever.
Doomsday was rushed and there was no point in introducing him at this point. Actually the whole plot was flawed and rushed. There were so many things that could easily be taken out of the movie AND LOIS FUCKING LANE WHY IS SHE EVERYWHERE IS SHE A META HUMAN HERSELF WITH TRANSPORTATION ABILITIES AND IF THINGS KEEP GOING LIKE THIS SHE MAY END UP LEADING JUSTICE LEAGUE HERSELF WHAT THE ACTUAL FALOODA SNYDER I TRUSTED YOU AND YOU FAILED ME .
The opening 30 minutes were very brilliant even though I was really against the idea of seeing Batman's origin once again.
All in all I had so much faith in this movie but it was a let down. ‪#‎WeDeserveBetter‬
Edit : Imo they revealed too much in the trailers. There was no element of surprise in it. They didn't keep anything in store for us. Almost 95% of the epic showdown was shown in the trailers....

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Hi , I'm Ahsan ! I guess thats all you wana know.

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