Dear Friends

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Dear friends,

In industrial farms, animals are pumped with antibiotics perfectly healthy to produce more meat, faster and cheaper. Besides unimaginable cruelty animals are treated, this practice has an adverse effect: the emergence of super-bacteria that can kill us!

Several European countries have already drastically reduced the use of antibiotics in fish farms and EU Ministers now negotiating new regulations for the imposition of such measures across Europe.

Reducing cruelty to animals and saving lives are so obvious priorities that even McDonald's said it would no longer sell chicken reared with certain antibiotics in the United States. But lobbyists producers of meat and medicines do everything they can to stop the legislative changes in Europe.

European ministers will meet tomorrow, and many of them are still undecided. Let's launch a call to a million voices to outlaw the misuse of antibiotics in animal husbandry. We hand our petition to all ministers, asking them to put an end to criminal treatment. And after the victory in Europe, we will continue the struggle elsewhere. Sign now and send forth the news:

The World Health Organization has warned that because inistent super-bacteria, antibiotics used to combat contagious diseases such as tuberculosis or pneumonia will become ineffective. Let us not forget that modern medicine relies heavily on antibiotics, including cancer treatment and surgery. A large study estimates that 10 million people will die each year by 2050 because antibiotics will no longer effect.

Constant administration of antibiotics in small doses lead to super-bacteria. It is true that the misuse of these products to humans contribute to increased resistance, but do very little to reduce huge quantities of antibiotics given to animals: the EU and the US, two-thirds of the total quantity of antibiotics is used in fish farms!

Denmark, Sweden, Norway and the Netherlands have proved that it is possible to produce meat with far fewer antibiotics, but as meat products and bacteria travels abroad, it is important to convince other countries to follow suit.

Many are calling for permanent closure of these hazardous industrial farms. The new European regulations do not go that far, but is an important step to improve animal welfare and human health. Experts warn, however, that Ministers did not feel strong pressure from citizens for taking such measures - so it's very important to act in force!

Sign the petition and send forth the news. When we reach one million signatures, Avaaz will launch surveys and work with partner countries to hand the petition ministers before the vote:

Millions of Avaaz members fought to protect whales, birds raised in factory farms and many other animals. Let us join forces again to protect the foundation of our modern medicine and get a crucial victory for animals and for all.

With hope,

Alex, Allison, Laila, Alice, Antonia, Alaphia, Ricken and the rest of Avaaz Team

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