Demi Lovato is Just Too Pretty for This

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   Demi Lovato is absolutely gorgeous, probably one of the hottest women to ever exist -- you can deny that if you want, but it's a fact, and if you try to debate a fact then you just end up looking like a goof. So Demi is beautiful, we all know that and we've accepted it in our hearts, but still she goes out looking like she does in the photo above, which is to say that still she goes out looking like she knows more about baby powder and foolishness than makeup. And that's unacceptable.

   It's not like we're blaming Demi or like we're disappointed in her for this (perish the thought, seriously): there's a good chance that she didn't even do this makeup, and even if she did do the makeup, it's still not her fault that lighting is weird and unfortunate sometimes. But honestly, you'd think that someone on this planet would have figured this phenomenon out already. Out of all the celebrities that wear makeup, and out of all the other peasants that know makeup, surely one of them could come up with a solution so that pop stars and actresses can stop looking like they've dipped their faces in flour.

   Love you forever, Demi. Everybody else: man, just get it together.