........ " Democracy "....

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Democracy in the Pakistan

Democracy may be defined in the words of Abraham Lincoln:

" government of the people,for the people and by the people ".

  • Thus democracy is public kind of government.All classes of people from a layman to a lord take part in democracy.that is why this form of government is widely liked by nation all over the world.It is the most favourite form of government of this age.Many people like democracy for its favourable features.
  •  they are as follows

Features of Democracy


  • Democracy impedes the way of cruel rulers.As people themselves elect their rulers,they don't vote for stern savages.
  • They try to elect those people who are polite and cultured.Then these kind rulers ever try to solve the problems of their voters.
  • They work for the welfare of the state

  • Democracy prevents wars.War is a necessary evil.But in this age of nuclear weapons.a war would mean a wholesale killing of humans.



 Advantages of Democracy


  • Democratic rulers don't take the risk of wars.Rather they try to resolve their disputes by diplomatic dialogues.Thus democracy indirectly prevent wars.Democracy brings about the prosperity to the state.
  • The elected members of the ruling class know that they have come to throne by the votes of masses.Therefore, they try to satisfy their voters otherwise they know that people wouldn't cast their votes in favour of them in the next election.
  • Democracy tends to foster humen development.it works for the better health of the masses.
  • It generates opportunities for education.It tries to enhance human facilities.It tries to promote better living conditions.
  • Democracy promotes political culture and democratic values.People know the power of their votes.They participate effectively in the political process.They make their views about the political of various political parties.They have got full rights to accepts or reject a policy.Thus the democratic process is decided by the people and not by the political organizations.
  • Democracy safeguards the fundamental interests of the people.It helps people to exercise their legal and political rights.it creats a sense of pride in law-abiding.Democracy also creates an environment of political equality.All the citizens enjoy equal rights and privileges.
  • Being popular is no guarantee for a thing to be asserted as good.So,we can't say that democracy is the only form of good government.It has advantages as well as disadvantage.
  • Some of disadvantages of democracy are discussed below.


Disadvantages of democracy

  • democracy brings about inequalities in economic and social resources.
  • People with grater resources naturally win the election and come to power.
  • They influence the political system and the economic policies of the state to their advantages.Thus,they hinder a satisfactory level of political equality.
  • They try to oblige the worker of their political party.thus democracy causes inequality and injustice
  • Democracy is also dangerous when the majority of corrupt and dishonest people come to into power.
  • They misuse their power and authority.
  • They have won the election by the dint of their social status and wealth.Thus their first preference is to earn money many times greater than the money they have spent during the election.


If we analyze democracy from the point of view of our country , we come to know that it has  neverbeen successful in Pakistann.the main reason are lack of education,lack of political sense and interruption from non-political elements.No government has ever been given a chance to run its affairs smoothly.But in spite of all this,If our political leader pay some heed to the golden rulers of Islamic democracy,they would be successful rulers indeed

About the author


I am Faisal. 20year old.I have Left my education due to financial problems which produced after my father death. I am smallest son and I am facing hard time to live

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