[SPOILER ALERT: Read on only if you have already watched Sunday’s season finale of Fear the Walking Dead.]

It seems like Fear the Walking Dead only just began its first season, and it kind of did. But with only six episodes in the show’s first campaign, it was already season finale time tonight on AMC. With the show presenting a slower build over the course of the first five episodes than many anticipated, would the proverbial stuff hit the fan in tonight’s season ender? In a word, yes.

The episode began with aerial shots of Los Angeles burning and Travis, Madison, and Co. making their way to retrieve their loved ones at the military/medical compound. Daniel Salazar led a herd of zombies out of the locked-up arena and right to the fence where the National Guard was holed up to keep the military occupied while they broke in elsewhere to break out Nick, Liza, and Griselda (who, unbeknownst to them, had already died).

While they were breaking in, Victor Strand and Nick were breaking out of their holding area — retrieving cuff links and mocking a dirty officer while taking his gun along the way. The parties all joined up (just in the nick of time… no pun intended) and then had to fight their way out together.

Only one problem, some unseemly soldiers stole their ride out. Then another problem: The tortured soldier Travis had kindly cut loose earlier came back and, after having a gun trained on Daniel, turned and shot Ofelia in the shoulder — which sent Travis into a fist-flying rage. Once they finally did get out, instead of going east as planned, they headed west at Strand’s suggestion to his house by the water. The serenity of the seagulls and the ocean breeze was a sharp contrast to the first 50 minutes of the episode.

It was quiet… too quiet. For Liza soon revealed to Madison that she had been bit back in the kitchen and needed Madison to shoot her to prevent her from turning. But Travis soon arrived, and after promising to protect their son, he did it himself. We always suspected one of the main characters would not make it out of season 1 alive. That character turned out to be Liza.

Meanwhile, Strand was packing to leave already, telling Nick “I must stay in constant motion,” and that they could not stay there either. “No one stays.” He had other plans, and revealed the Abigail he spoke of being reunited with was actually his boat out on the water. Will they make it there? Could season 2 actually be set at sea? We’ll have to wait until next year to find out. But what did you think of the Fear the Walking Dead finale? Did it satisfy? Hit the message boards to register your opinion.