Difference between a real hero and fake hero....

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It is necessary for us to do one thing which is that we should  promote good people, but in our society we do not promote good people who do positive work. Now let us take a example of child who studied in grade 10 when we ask him who is your hero he will definitely say something emotionally but when we ask him a reason why he is your hero well he don't know the answer because in his entire education from 1 to 10 he only know one or two stories of some hero which moral is to ''forgive others'' but how he forgive when he see fighting their parent in their own home in little issues then he will imagine that there is nothing like forgiveness it just a imaginary values which we ought to learn only for getting marks only but we have to redefine ourselves,we have to bring positivity in our society, we have to promote positive people in our society. They are the real hero of our society who brings positivity not those heroes which we see in comic or movies. 

so i conclude myself by saying that " Heroes are those who brings positvity in our society "

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