Diversifying In Precious Metals And Bitcoin

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n the U.S. alone only 18% of workers are confident they have enough wealth to retire. It’s a scary time we live in where one’s life savings can be eradicated by the devaluation of sovereign currencies and poor fractional bank practices. The key to staying proactive by protecting your assets is diversification making sure your wealth hedges against nasty inflationary spirals destined to come.

גידור1Diversification can help a person save and protect themselves better than saving large amounts of cash. Fiat currency no matter what governance you live under is being printed by the central banking regime which currently network’s vast amounts of devalued promissory notes on a whim. 

Every day the current currency giants the Euro, Dollar and the Japanese Yen are deteriorating at record speeds and being trampled by other countries fiat money. Just recently the Chinese Yuan has become the fourth most transacted currency in the world positioning itself as powerhouse due to its reliant economy. However, the Chinese market that might be a touch “stronger” is just as faulty and will fail with its use of printing money at a whim and manipulating interest rates. 


In the closing end of 2014 Bitcoin has appreciated 2–400% per annum and in 2015 even with its price reaching certain lows it continues to grow in value. It’s a one of a kind technology that can be traded instantly in a decentralized environment that cannot be frozen at the whims of authority because there is none. The protocol is a secure ecosystem of sound money that can hedge againsthyperinflation and devalued fiat that causes relentless economic busts and booms.

The U.S. Dollar and the Euro have been poised for ultimate collapse for quite sometime. For the past 15 years, many countries have been exiting the main system that keeps the dollar afloat the petrodollar. The petrodollar is a deal that was made over 40 years ago today which enables every export of oil in the world to be priced in U.S. Dollars. This has kept the survival of the bloated military industrial complex and all its wars alive and will continue to eat away at people’s savings. This arrangement has provided the Dollar a position as the global reserve currency and is slowly fading away as Russia and China are making new moves with Saudi Arabia.

Additionally the BRICS nations (Brazil, China, Russia, South Africa, and India) stepped up their game by telling the world they would work directly together as opposed to funnelling trades with the dollar. Within newly formed Bilateral Trade Agreements over the years the aligned countries took the next logical step by creating the New Development Bank. All of this action leads to wars over oil, austerity measures and the removal of people’s fundamental rights by a small group of sociopathic banking elites.  

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