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To go deeper into the DNA concept first of all one must know what is DNA?

DNA is the de-oxy-ribo-nucleic-acid which is present as the parent gene in the body of a human being.

DNA is the double helix model presented by the scientist and the doctors of the ancient times around 1972 two scientists who are also doctors proposed a theory called as double helix model of the DNA.

Here the two strands are elliptically bonded to each other by the pyridines and the pyramidines which are intern bonded with each other with the help of the di-sulphide bonds the strands carry on their journey from 3 to 5 and 5 to 3.

The DNA of the son matches with both the mother and father that mean that the daughter DNA is the combination of the parent DNA. The DNA is the main concept where gene is found from the parent DNA.

The DNA is the main thing for a human being to live in this earth and to breathe his life. The DNA is the main component of the blood and the human being cannot lead his life without it.

By seeing all these results one can tell that leading life without DNA is impossible.

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