Do You Believe in Birthday Astrology?

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Yesterday I watched something in TV about horoscopes and stuff. Honestly I don't believe such things but it really made me curious so I search about my sign which is Libra and how it does it affects my birthdate. I find out good things about my sign as well as the bad side and some advises on how to deal with relationships and careers. As I read every word of the article I'm really surprised how all the things written in that article so related with my past and present life. I don't know how to react upon it because what's all written in that page really talks about everything. Well, there's nothing wrong about believing as long as you know how to handle it. And of course astrology is just a guide and the totality of our life still depends on our own hands. How about you guys? Do you believe in astrology or horoscope?

- From my old Bubblews account

About the author


I simply love hanging out over the internet discovering new stuff and meeting new friends!

Instagram: @rhanzferrer
Twitter: @ranzferrer If you're free please visit my blog. Though I stopped writing for like 5 months. I will find time to update it. :)

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