Does Playing a MOBA Game Will Do You Any Good?

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Sik Life via Pixabay

“DOTA 2 will destroy my child’s future!” “MOBA games teach kids violence!” Those are some of the statements that we always hear from most people of the older generation, most of the time, the parents. We cannot blame them though, because there is some truth on those statements.

I say some truth because although the MOBA gaming environment is a little unsafe and a contributing factor for a child’s gaming addiction, the blame still lies on the elders who let the kids play an inappropriate game for their age. For that reason, they will just put the whole responsibility on the game itself.

The truth is that MOBA games are neutral. It is the MOBA players who are making the game toxic for everyone. In fact, even experts have pointed out that there are benefits in playing 5-v-5 MOBA games. 

The Benefits That You Can Get by Playing 5-v-5 MOBA Games

You Will Learn the Value of Teamwork and Sacrifice 

In my first blog, I mentioned that there are six categories of heroes in Mobile Legends and the proper line-up for battling is important. In choosing which hero to play, some players may need to sacrifice. If you are quite slow, there is a tendency that the other player to select your favorite hero first. If it happens, you should be the one to adjust by choosing a hero that will complementarily go along with the heroes selected by the other players.

You should not go “away from the keyboard” or “AFK” (the term used by gamers to describe those players who leave in the middle of the game) or trash talk just because the other player has selected your favorite hero first or he or she is not good at playing it.

Moreover, if you are playing the role of a tank or support, you are the one who must work with your teammates and who has to sacrifice the most. Do not expect to inflict the most of the damage to the opposing team or being the game’s MVP unless you are teamed up with new or weaker players.

The tanks serve as the shield against the enemies. They are the ones who have to take the most of the damage. Their major responsibility is to protect their squishy allies from the damage brought by the opposing team.

The supports, as the term implies, are the ones responsible for supporting the stronger allies by keeping them alive for as long as possible. Most often, their abilities involve giving their allies extra health or buff. Sometimes, their role is to slow down or stun the enemies so their teammates can kill or escape from them.

The ADCs or the attack damage carriers, like the marksmen, mages, fighters, and assassins, should be team players too. ADCs should know where to position themselves and know when to attack. You have to look at the map frequently to look at the position of your allies and enemies. You also have to learn how to read in between the lines. There are times that your ally is trying to bait itself up expecting you to attack or to gank up.    

In MOBA games, teamwork and cooperation are important. If you are not a team player, learn to be one or find another game genre that will suit you. Watch the video below, and you will see how important teamwork is in a MOBA game.

BluePanda via YouTube

It Trains Cognitive Intelligence, Critical Thinking, and Problem-Solving Skills

Geralt via Pixabay

MOBA games are forms of real-time strategy game (RTS). Aside from having a proper line-up of heroes, positioning and wit are the most important factors for winning this type of game. There are several instances when a weaker team wins a game because they have managed to outwit the stronger team.

Good players know how to gain an advantage by properly positioning themselves in the battle. They know when to solo up a lane, when to save a dying teammate, and when to jungle. 

You Will Learn How to Control Your Emotions

FreeGraphic Today via Pixabay

Not all players are good at playing this game. Some are new to the game. For this reason, you should always remind yourself not to take things seriously. It is just a game. You have to be patient with your allies who are weaker than you. Control your emotions when somebody taunts or trash talk with you. If you are playing this game, you must have the strong guts to face those kinds of players.

It Is Possible to Earn Real Money

Capri23auto via Pixabay

Several money-making opportunities are possible if you are a good gamer. You can join e-sports, stream live on YouTube Gaming or Twitch, create a tutorial, and more. Companies scout on good professional gamers so they can sponsor them to market their products. If you are on Twitch, you can make money through the donation of your viewers. If you are on YouTube, the amount of what you can earn based on your account’s viewership.

However, it is difficult to reach that level where you can earn real money as a professional gamer. It requires effort, time, and luck.

Downsides of Playing a MOBA Game

Even though there are a lot of upsides of playing these kinds of games, the disadvantages are inevitable. These disadvantages, if overlooked, can ruin a person or a child’s life. For this reason, parents and family members should be aware of these negative effects.

MOBA Games are Addictive

Alex Van via ">Pixabay

Have you ever heard the news of people not having a life just because they spend most of their time playing games? Honestly, games are time-killers unless you are making a living out of it. If you are not a professional gamer whose income depends on gaming, just play when you have nothing else important to do.

It is sad that some people have let themselves consumed by games. People who are already addicted should seek professional help before it ruins them further. Also, the parents should limit the time that their children spend on playing a game because once they’ve become addicted to it, they will become uncontrollable.

A Lot of Toxic Peopledisadvantages_of_playing_league_of_legends

Alexas Fotos via Pixabay

Sadly, MOBA games are filled with toxic individuals. You will encounter people who curse and berate others just because of gaming performance. Pedophiles and racist people are sometimes lurking in this platform too. Also, you will also encounter some players posting nude photos as their profile pictures.

Although message and chat filters are available in some MOBA games, children who are not on the right age to witness these things should not be allowed to play a MOBA game.

It Put Your Health at Risk


BruceBlaus via Wikimedia Commons

You might have heard some news about the people who died after playing a MOBA game straight for several days. One example is a 17-year-old teen from Russia who died after playing DOTA 2 for 22 days straight without taking any rest. This poor guy died from Deep Vein Thrombosis as a result of his prolonged days of stationary sitting.

As a Conclusion

Playing a MOBA game is beneficial in some way. The game trains your cognitive, communication, and problem-solving skills. You will also learn responsibility by protecting your allies and learning the meaning of teamwork.

However, the cons come along with these great advantages. But as you would notice, most of the disadvantages are brought by humans and the players’ attitude towards the game. For this reason, it is important to remember not to treat a MOBA game as if your life depends on it. After all, it is just a game. Personally, I enjoy playing a MOBA game, but I play just to kill time whenever I am waiting in line or when I want to reward myself after a day’s work. 

About the author


Hi! I am Mary Jane. I work as a freelance writer and content contributor. I love writing about health, personal finance, and digital marketing. During my free time, you will find me in my room immersing myself doing artistic stuff, such as painting, drawing, writing, etc.

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