Drinking Juices

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Benefits of Drinking Juices


To be honest, I would love to have a delicious glass of juice. Juice is colorful, tasty, and full of health. It provides refreshment after a long workout session.

(Image source: Google.com)

Juices are a rich source of essential nutrients and vitamins. Before, we make a list of great juices; we need to understand what is in our glass? If you are unfamiliar with the ingredients, your juice might be a liquid candy. Be aware of artificial sweeteners and prepare your juices properly. 

(Image source: Google.com)

Benefits of Drinking Juices

Juices are not considered a good option for many. That is because, most of the pulp is lost during the juice extraction system, A juicing machine extracts essential vitamins, nutrients, and other minerals from the fruit. The healthiest juices are vegetable juices like tomato juice. These juices are full of vitamins and protect us against many diseases.

(Image source: Google.com)

Juices might not provide you with fiber, but they give you a better chance to absorb all the healthy nutrients. Your digestive system does not have to work on fiber alone. Also, in addition to weight loss, juices are a great supplement for a good looking skin.

(Image source: Google.com)

If you do not enjoy eating fruits and vegetables (most people do not have the time) then juices are a great way to introduce fruits in your life. Juices also help you try some new fruits and vegetables.

(Image source: Google.com)

If you take locally produced fresh juices, it is always better to buy a pasteurized juice pack. At any cost, know the ingredients in your juice.

(Image source: Google.com)

Commercially produced juices can calories to your diet plan.

How to add healthy juices in your diet plan? According to USDA, each one us should take five fruit servings and three vegetable servings for each day. However, according to the latest CDC data (US survey), only one-third of the population takes three fruit servings, and one-fourth of the population takes three vegetable servings I a day. Considering the statistics, dietitians encourage people to drink more juices.

(Image source: Google.com)

Here are some tips to drink more juices:

  1.  Use fancy glasses.  Buy a good looking glass. Take your favorite color, and possibly the most luxurious design. It helps you drinking more juices because it’s fun and exciting.
  2. Listen to music while drinking juices. Keep smiling and be happy while you are taking some healthy nutrients.
  3. What is your favorite digital device? Your tablet or your iphone? Buy reminder software for drinking more juices. A friend of mine uses the reminder software to drink more water. You can do the same to drink more juices.
  4. Use fancy decorations. Make your juice more appealing. Add a cucumber or lemon slice to your juice. It helps you stay motivated.
  5. Make the right choice. Be creative. Vegetable juices are healthy but, you might not like them on your first try. You will need to select your ingredients to prepare some delicious and healthy juices. Be careful about the ingredients. Juices are rich in vitamins such as vitamin C, A, B, E, and K. Vitamin C and B are more likely to be digested quickly while the other vitamins are digested slowly. Some juices might leave you feeling hungry and craving for more. More cravings can result in weight gain. In such cases, you should include some pulp and fibers in your juice to stay filled for long time.
  6.  Find the best combination. Before, you can select a few juice recipes; you will need to find your juice recipe. You might enjoy fruit juices but, you may dislike vegetable juices. You can start with some easy recipes i.e. orange/ strawberry juice and then keep on adding green veggies along with pepper or cinnamon.
  7.  Drink quickly. If you do not like drinking many glasses of juice, the best idea can be to drink the juice quickly. When the juice is extracted, fruits immediately start to lose minerals. So, hurry up, drink the juice quickly. It is more refreshing and tastier.


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