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PTI KPK LB seats 650/1900 
PTI Punjab LB seats 950/7500
PTI sindh LB seats b 40/3900
Total 1640 /12800 seats which is 13% as compare to GE 2013 9%
PMLN KPK LB seats 150/1900
PMLN Punjab LB seats 3300/7500
PMLN sindh LB seats 100/3900
Total 3550/12800 seats which is 28% as compare to GE 2013 49%
So who is gaining and who is loosing mandate in Pakistan despite so much Propaganda ??
And don't forget Islamabad 387 v 153

Except For Rawalpindi PTI Performed Great. Because At Some Places Elections Were Densely Rigged.

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Always smile

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