Everythin' gonna be alright!

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Yesterday , I escaped from the city.

Yes I did. Because I was lonely. All my friends were invited to a party at this girl's house . I weren't invited. I hate that girl. She tries to steal my friends from me but I can't tell anybody what I really feel. I was abandoned.

I was lying on the snowy ground in DaiNam Snowy World. I was feeling the cold. And my eyes were closing. I hoped I would never wake up again to be hurt by those evil people. I hoped I could rest in peace. But in the end , I just couldn't handle it. Too cold. Just like the world around me , everything is hell too cold to be touched. Everything is too cold to be loved.

You know , I kinda miss having a person around , some one to love. So last week , I went on a person, she was my Highschool friend. We went to a convention together. And the conversations worked really well with her. She seemed really nice , she was cute , like we got along. But in the end , I don't know...she seemed like a type of person that I have to make all the effort for if anything would ever happen. And I don't mind making majority effort, that's fine. But when they come down to it, I wanna know that she's just into me as I am into her. So I kinda wanna see where it might go, it might go somewhere or it might go nowhere. So I got back and the day before yesterday , I had a status update , it was like :" Ladies, bring more to the table than just looks , because looks fade or get boring and in the end , there is just you !". Then she encountered me on Facebook chat and said :"Oh nice status update !" and then deleted me :)) . Now I can understand that the timing of it wasn't good. Well. Maybe it could apply to her because she was really pretty but it just wasn't like a good personality match. I don't know , it wasn't about her . She ended it up. It probably worked out anyway. But the only thing of this is the whole situation makes me wanna just give it a rest. I think I kinda feel like the universe is telling me :"Hey Thao , why don't you give it a break , you know , go to something else ! " So I'm just gonna stay on my guy , keep studying and focus on that. I don't need a relationship in order to feel happy.

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