Facebook To Charge 3$ Per Month

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Such an stupid step would it be if the news that is being seen on social networks even on Facebook that its planning to charge $3 Per User Per Month, comes true?

Although no any direct message has been released by owner of Facebook but our Local Electronic Media is spreading such news on their pages that soon users would be charged against using Facebook, isn't it strange and surprising?

I mean, a site, that is famous because of us, that earns because of us, now planning to slaughter its own business generating users, this isn't fair at all - but let me think, what would have assured them that even if they would charge, users wouldn't move, I have its answer.

One may not agree with it but now-a-days few companies ask your Facebook addresses to have a look on your interests and activities, on your mental approach, on your social image - not only this, even few families that are allowing their sons or daughters to marry with, have also been noticed spying you on Facebook.

These reasons could be major reasons that would have given the idea to charge, but am sure, if this news becomes true, most of the countries would think about designing their own sites or users would surely move, because this isn't fair at all.

While the truth is, Facebook must share its earning with its users and this would surely be a fair deal that would also attract more and more users, it is simple, everyone knows, it we, who made this site so popular.

Well at the end of the day, I know it would also be considered the personal property of the ministers and who would take its earning to his home, I don’t know, but Pakistan must design such site.

About the author


I Am A Student, Learning Lessons Of Life.

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