FACT about americans...

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USA has higher dumbness rate than any other country, if they had just fewer peoples, they would never be the first world economy, their society is composed by only few normal people who carry the whole stupid mass on their shoulders, there's is 10000 dumb people for every ''regular'' people in the USA. They are ridiculous, fat, redneck, nigger, ugly, short, small dicks, stupids, brainwashed, arrogant, illiterate, lower education quality among developed countries, higher murder rate among developed countries, champions of CO 2 emissions and consumption of water per, higher raw material consumption rate of the world, higher number of countries that its citizens don't like Americans, most of gay people are from america, and their TV shows teach that being gay is cool, and using meth is something worth a try, doing drugs is OK in america, they are funding environment destruction in other countries, buying rain forest wood, the're putting their noses in other country's problems, they are owners of the world's money, slave poor countries and its corrupts leaders to the american international bank, US banks fabricate money out of thin layer of air, and lend it saying its good and trustworthy, they don't clean their butt hole after the take a dump, they don't know how to math, they are racists, they eat jellyfish and call it expensive Italian cosine, they are friends with the French, they like putting nicknames in other countries, they don't know where Canada and mexico is, they spend too much fuel, they like stealing oil from Iraq, they talk too much about democracy and freedom whenever they're being confronted of being colonizers, there is no american girls still virgin after 10 years old, they are lazy, they drink beer, they pollute the world and specifically finance the pollution in china, they do and did lots of crap around the world, including the toxic radioactive bomb and napalm in Vietnam, they nuked japan, twice, Apollo program was staged, data was faked, and maybe they just went to the moon much later than they have announced (or maybe they never actually went there), 9/11 was a inside job, they export their crap music, movies, they export their crap culture, they like watching TV, they like to sleep after midnight, they say Jesus was american, all american college girls will try anal before they complete 15 years old, they create NSA and CIA, they are reading this comment, they are full of Mexicans living in there, Iraq chemical weapons was bullshit, they invented gay porn, they don't know whats soccer or football, they make too much noisy, they use yahoo answers to ask about how to raise your children, they don't have common sense, they hack my telephone and PC, they raise and export niggers, they eat fried butter with oil sauce and call it delicious, they eat too much, they think they are the center of the world, they rape children, most internet trolls are Americans, they created bin laden, everything they touch turns into shit, their schools are full of pimps, they don't like shower, they fund Israeli's Nazi army, Israeli's Nazi army cant even do a decent job(like the real Nazis did), they fund ISIS, but ISIS sucks and can't kill enough Muslims, they call nerds as hipsters, they export garbage to poorer countries, they think Germans are cool, they created midget porn, their most popular jobs are no jobs at all, they say we should invade Iran, they like selling guns to both sides in the war, they are full retard, etc...