The general idea presented is that many directors got their start working on music videos as they "are generally short, they don’t require sound work (Foley, sound FX, dialogue etc) and they are less restricted by the shooting and editing conventions of narrative filmmaking". Music videos typically offer more creative freedom to the director than that of a feature which must be "grounded in a reference to time, human behavior, style and space that audiences are familiar with".
Fashion Films today produced by the major fashion brands can be multimillion dollar budgeted productions with marquee directors like Martin Scorcese, Guy Ritchie, Darren Aronosfsky, and of course Ozer. The creative flexibility afforded the director by such brands as Dior and Yves Saint Laurent is a sure attraction for these very talented professionals, not necessarily an opportunity for them to cut their teeth on, they are already proven in the industry.
As the Fashion Film WebTV internet viewership continues to exponentially grow, Models WebTV will seek out the best examples to curate and promote through our WebTV platform. Models WebTV has a unique ability to create a Buzz around these short, engaging and beautifully directed videos and the brands that finance the productions. Our own fashion film production team is very inspired by the work and artists showcased by the Lights Film School and we look forward to collaborating with fashion creators in the future to showcase their efforts in video.
Attached are stills from Ozer and Ezel Domanic's video: 'The Cure'